Est. 07.07


Saturday, December 26, 2009


Because I just have to win a gift certificate to LK Art, I wanted to share a family tradition that I started this year. It started with an art project for Meg's pre-school that turned into my Christmas tree theme 25 years from now.

I took a picture of Meg's profile and, using photoshop, was able to turn it into a silhouette, like the old-timey ones that are now our family heirlooms. For Meg's pre-school, my idea was to mount them on decorative card stock, punch a hole, tie a ribbon and make an ornament. But when I saw how beautiful the silhouettes were mounted on the card stock, I couldn't bear to punch a hole in them! What if someone wanted to frame it? Or keep it for posterity?

So I came home and took pictures of Ben and Eli, purchased ornament size photo frames from Hobby Lobby and created my 2009 silhouettes. My goal is to take a profile picture every year so I'll have about 50 silhouette ornaments by the time the kids are grown. What a classic and sentimental tree I hope that will be!

(Because I don't have a picture of my finished ornament and the drawing ends in about 4 hours, I've attached the silhouette of Meg. If I take a picture of the finished ornament, I'll share that with you, too!)


heidi @ wonder woman wannabe said...

What a precious idea!
That will be SO neat to have a tree full of them someday!! Thanks for sharing. ;)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea. PLEASE post a picture
of finished ornament when you have time.
Thanks so much.