Est. 07.07


Thursday, January 14, 2010


I'm reading book #2 of The Women of Ivy Manor Series. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE historical fiction? It's just about all I read. (And thank you, Leigh Ann, for keeping me stocked).

This series is tells the stories of four generations of women in the 20th century, set against the backdrop of four of the major wars, The Great War, World War II, The Vietnam War and Operation Desert Storm. The author describes the effects of war as "putting the fighting-age generation through a fiery furnace that forever changes them and, hence, their society." Being from a military family with a father and 26 year old brother who have both experienced war first hand, I'm especially drawn to these characters and am using their life experiences to somewhat imagine what life must have been like for the previous generations of my own family.

Book 2 begins in the late 30s where the author does a wonderful job of evoking images of their distinct fashion, as well as how the big band, golden era style of music paints the background and develops the stage for the character's play to be carried out. I was so inspired, I decided to share it with you, in a way, by the background and music I've chosen for my blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

1 comment:

The Walkers said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. I just finished the Mark of the Lion series and I am now in LOVE with historical fiction, or really Christian historical fiction. I never really gave it a chance before but I loved them. I will be looking for this series at the library now.